Perfect Ombre, except little hairs! Why?
Most of us that have created ombre or gradient nail art designs may know this feeling.
You have achieved the perfect shades and then you look again! Arrrrggh! you see dust or little hair stuck in your nail art design!
Here is how to avoid it. All you need is a sticky tape. Yes, you read it right.
What happens is that these little annoying hairs get stuck in the sponge and then are happily transferred to your nail when you are creating the ombre nail art design. So to avoid this, you need to make sure your sponge is hair free! book in the hair removal appointment. (LOL)

That's exactly where the sticky tape comes into play. Gently touch the side of sponge that with the sticky tape. The sticky tape will pick up all the little hairs and you are guaranteed a hair free ombre! Perfect nail art design, Yay.
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