Top Coat - 83% Plant Based Nail Polish

$18.95 AUD


Finish your nails perfectly and lock in guilt-free beauty for the long term with 83% Plant Based Top Coat. Discover a world of dazzling possibilities with this eco-conscious nail essential.

Mitty Plant Based Top Coat Features

  • 83% Plant Based Ingredients: Our plant-based nail polish isn't just about striking colour; it's a conscious choice. Crafted with an impressive 83% of plant-derived ingredients sourced from sugarcane, manioc, potato, and corn, this polish lets you express your individuality while nurturing the planet's beauty.

  • Easy Application: Achieve salon-quality nails every time with our precision brush. The smooth application ensures an even coat of our top coat, giving you a smooth canvas for your nail art.

  • Certified Vegan and Cruelty-Free: We're proudly certified vegan and cruelty-free, inviting you to indulge in beauty that harmonises with your values.

  • Sustainability is Our Mission: By choosing 83% Plant Based Top Coat, you're taking a bold step towards a more sustainable future. Our commitment extends to our packaging, which features eco-friendly materials like glass and bamboo.

Set the stage for your perfect plant-powered manicure today.

How to Use Mitty 83% Plant Based Top Coat

Follow these simple steps to showcase your nails with eco-conscious flair:

  • Do Your Nails: Apply base coat and up to two coats of your chosen colour, allowing each layer to air dry completely.

  • Apply the Top Coat: Carefully remove the brush from the bottle, wiping off any excess top coat. Apply a thin, even layer of Clear plant-based top coat to your finished nails, starting at the base and moving towards the tip.

  • Allow to Dry: Give the top coat ample time to air dry. This step will lock your colour and help your nails resist chipping.

With these simple steps, you'll confidently showcase your striking new nails while positively impacting the environment.